So I was reading online that O-TOWN is getting back together and I'm happy to hear this, I use to love them somewhat back when the first making of the band was made. So I'm excited to hear this and I hope that they last this time around and that they become even bigger then they were before!
Mon, Mar 31, 2014 | 10:39 AM
Haley Longman
Into all boy bands, past and present, and will watch anything on TV about teens or pregnancy (so clearly Teen Mom is her favorite).

2014 is officially the year of the boy band! No, that wasn’t a typo
that was supposed to say “1999.” Old school boy band members, both with
their groups and individually, are up to big things this year, from
touring to TV. Here’s 5 things that ’90s teeny boppers can look forward
to later on this year:
PHOTOS: Adorable Pics of ’90s Pop Stars With Their Kids
O-Town is reuniting. Yes, our liquid dreams are becoming a reality! O-Town revealed today on their
official website
that they’re getting back together (minus Ashley Parker Angel), and
that new music and a new tour is on its way. Here’s the video confirming
the rumors:
And here’s their “Liquid Dreams” music video to refresh your memory on the greatest musical creation of 2001:
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