Sunday, December 22, 2013

My Outlook/Opinion Of Kesha

So I stated before earlier this year when Kesha had the first season of her show on MTV that she was a mess. But now that she's back with the second season of her show my outlook of her has changed. I now think that she's much more of a down to earth person. And that she's not all over the place like I thought at first. I now feel like she's more like the rest of us, just is her own person.

 I guess I just didn't understand her at first when during the first season of her show. But I do more now & I'm actually enjoying her & her show more now. She is what I guess some would consider different but I really like who/how she is as a person. So I just thought it was important for me to do this posting to correct what I said earlier this year.
 And I'm honestly glad that I'm wrong about Kesha. Especially because of her views on things that matter in this life & this world. And because she does so many good things for people. And because she helps so many people. So I'm happy to I've gotten to know Kesha more based on the things she's chosen to share on her show! And I'm glad that I'm wrong about her, I'm #teamkesha now!
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