Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Boy Band O-Town Is Reuniting After 10 Year Hiatus!

So I was reading online that O-TOWN is getting back together and I'm happy to hear this, I use to love them somewhat back when the first making of the band was made. So I'm excited to hear this and I hope that they last this time around and that they become even bigger then they were before!

Mon, Mar 31, 2014 | 10:39 AM


2014 is officially the year of the boy band! No, that wasn’t a typo that was supposed to say “1999.” Old school boy band members, both with their groups and individually, are up to big things this year, from touring to TV. Here’s 5 things that ’90s teeny boppers can look forward to later on this year:
PHOTOS: Adorable Pics of ’90s Pop Stars With Their Kids
1. O-Town is reuniting. Yes, our liquid dreams are becoming a reality! O-Town revealed today on their official website that they’re getting back together (minus Ashley Parker Angel), and that new music and a new tour is on its way. Here’s the video confirming the rumors:
And here’s their “Liquid Dreams” music video to refresh your memory on the greatest musical creation of 2001:

O-Town "Liquid Dreams" from Andre Austin on Vimeo.

Credits:  http://www.justjared.com/
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