Sunday, December 22, 2013

Duel Movie

Just got done watching this movie and I use to watch this movie with my dad when I was little. And I even watched it with my dad a couple months ago. And I have to say that this movie is one of those classic goodie movies that will never get old in my opinion. Especially because of what it's about. Eighteen wheeler truck chasing man in car, the suspense throughout the movie is amazing. A definitely keeps you on the edge of your chair.
This is for sure my type of movie by far and I'm not one that's really into watching movies this old. But this is just one of a very few for me that I'll probably always watch no matter how old it gets. I simply love this movie and it's something to watch whenever there is nothing else to watch. And its full of fun suspense for those people that are like me and like to be on the edge of their seats.
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