Sunday, December 22, 2013
My Outlook/Opinion Of Kesha
So I stated before earlier this year when
Kesha had the first season of her show on MTV that she was a mess. But
now that she's back with the second season of her show my outlook of her
has changed. I now think that she's much more of a down to earth
person. And that she's not all over the place like I thought at first. I
now feel like she's more like the rest of us, just is her own person.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Childhood Movies/Classics - Home Alone Movies
I mean these movies almost don't need anything to be said about them. Well the first two anyways, the other three especially the last one are questionable. But the first two home alone movies are classic funny/hilarious movies that will NEVER and I mean NEVER get old. I seriously could sit and watch the first four all day, well maybe just the first two all day. The first two home alone movies would probably have to be my two favorite movies in all of the world.
Macy Day Parades/Yearly Tradiditon!
I never thought that I would ever be one to sit in bed on Thanksgiving and Christmas and watch parades on TV. But now that I have a child its become somewhat of a tradition for me and my son. I like to DVR the Macy Day Parades on Christmas and on thanksgiving and sit in bed with my son and watch them. I don't know what changed with me and these parades because parades have never been my thing. But I guess it's true what they say when you become a parent some things change. And for me this is for sure one thing that has changed for me.
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - Cedric The Entertainer
Now this show I've been watching for years now since it first came out years ago when Regis Philbin was the host and since then they've had different hosts. And they've also changed how the show is and that it's went from an hour show to now only being half an hour show. And the new host of the show now is Cedric The Entertainer and that's a big part of why I'm even writing this posting in the first place. If you ask me he should of been the host from day on all those years ago, he's so funny. And makes the show so much more fun and he has so much more energy then past host including Regis Philbin.
I recently started watching this show called tanked. It's about a family owned company that builds custom aquariums for people and businesses. And their work is truly incredible and I'm growing to love this show. It's an amazing show and I just love watching them build these tanks for people. They can take any idea that these companies or people have and make them a reality.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
DWTS, "Dancing With The Stars"
dancing with the stars has been a great surprise for me the last few years. Because if you would of told me a few years ago that I would ever watch this show I would of told you that you're crazy. But I somehow started watching it and I've fallen in love with it and now I watch it every single season. And the celebrities that are on the show for the most part are pretty good dancers actually. Very few are bad dancers at this point in the show.
Cupcake Wars, Top Chef
So anybody that knows me knows how much I love cooking and top chef is one of the shows that has helped my love for cooking grow. I've been watching it now for years. And it for sure inspires me to be more opened minded when it comes to cooking. And it's just a really fun show to watch. It's crazy and amazing to see the competitions that they have on the show.
Scandalious Almost Human
So this show scandal that I've been watching since it came out earlier this year, I'm in love with. And this new show called almost human is still growing on me. And it's different then any other show I've ever watched. And normally it's not my type of show but like I said it's growing on me. And I'm slowly starting to like it.
These two shows are polar opposites, one is just what the name of it says it is. It's a scandalous show and almost human is kind of just about it's title also. So I guess they have that in common haha but as far as everything else they are completely different. Scandal being about this high powered woman that helps high powered people get out of very sticky situations. And it's filled with lots of drama, mean while almost human is about the future that's no where near here yet.

My Soaps
So I recently started back watching my soaps and I watch two of the only three that are still on the air as of right now. And that's the Young And The Restless and The Bold And The Beautiful. And I must admit that I've kind of gotten into them And I've watched Y&R off and on the past few years but I've never really been into the bold and the beautiful that much. But I'm really starting to get into it right now. And as I've said with Y&R I've always been off and on with. And right now I'm very much on with it.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
My Salad Masterpiece!
I love salad, I eat them on a regular basis, so making them for me is
like making art in the form of food. Well that is before I mix my salads
up that is, so I decided that I wold share one of my masterpieces with
the world/my readers. And I hope that this quick look at one of my
salads looks as good to you all as it does to me. Enjoy!
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Hallmark Channel
Hallmark Channel is an amazing channel as far as movies go. And plays the best movies but when it comes to Christmas they play the amazing movies on the weekends. I honestly could watch Hallmark movies all day on the weekends during the weeks before Christmas and during Christmas. It's honestly one of my favorite channels to watch in general. But it's the best during the holidays.
Hocus Pocus
This movie is and has always been my favorite Halloween movie, so It's the one reason why I absolutely love this time of year. Halloween that is. I have to watch this movie every single Halloween and for me it's not Halloween without this movie. There has always been something about this movie since it came out when I was a little girl that I just fell in love with. It's just this cute adorable funny Halloween movie. And I have to have it be apart of my Halloween every year and I've even gotten my son into it.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Crab-leg Boil And Fish That I Cooked The Other Day 10/26/2013
Crab-leg Boil And Fish That I Cooked The Other Day
This is something that I love cooking and that's seafood. shrimp, fish, crab-legs. I just love seafood and sometimes I just need me some crab-legs. So I decoded last weekend to make me a crab-leg boil.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Ohio State Marching Band "Michael Jackson Tribute" - Halftime vs. Iowa: ...
I just had to post this once i saw it, it’s such a beautiful tribute to Michael Jackson probably once of the best that I’ve seen in the four years since his death. And I think that he would of really loved and appreciated this tribute so much!
Credits: Ohio State University
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Credits: Ohio State University
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Friday, October 11, 2013
Nascar Qualify Oct/10/2013 North Carolina!!
So I was just getting caught up on the qualify race from earlier yesterday and I watch the qualify and prcatice races every week on tv. So that's nothing new for me but I've never seen them fight so hard to get the pole like they did with this qualify. And for those of you that sren't into NASCAR, the qualify is what determines the starting order for that weeks race. And the pole is first place in that weeks race.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Sleepy Hollow
I've always had this thing growing up with all the Sleepy Hollow and the headless horseman tales growing up. So I decided to watch the first episode of this show an hour ago and I must admit that at first I didn't like it. Bur now after watching the first episode and now being on the second episode as we speak I'm finding myself to actually like this show. Maybe even loving it, it's not quite what i expecting when I thought of the tales of Sleepy Hollow growing up. That I can admit but I'm liking the show and what I;m seeing so far.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Halloween Wars
I'm so excited that it's that time of year right now and that Halloween wars is back. It only plays during the weeks before Halloween and i love seeing what people can do with cake, pumpkins and other pastries. That's the reason why I love this show, is because it's so amazing to see what these bakers can do with pastries and how they can transform them. And waiting a whole year for this show sucks but it's so worth it when the show finally starts. And I also love that its a competition style show also. That makes it so much more fun to watch, so I'm so happy that its back right now!
Monday, October 7, 2013
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