But one thing that I did notice from the first picture that I posted in this posting. Is that all of the Kardashian women do all have all the same noses. And it's so clear that Kim doesn't have that same nose, so it's clear that she's had some kind of surgery done on her nose. And it's also clear from how she looks now, since getting pregnant that she's also done something to her cheekbones on her face.
But as I said I still think that she loos amazingly pretty but again that is just my opinion. And even though I'm personally against plastic surgery unless it's absolutely needed. I do feel like if a person is unhappy with the way they look and have the money to change that. And be happy with how they look, then go for it. Because at the end of the day NOBODY has to live in your skin ans see what you see when you look in the mirror but YOU!
But if you ask me she hasn't done anything that 99% of Hollywood and LA hasn't already done by having surgery done. So it's really not a big deal but I think that it was more of her getting pregnant and not liking how pregnancy changed her face. Because if she really didn't like her face then she would of changed it long before getting pregnant but it seems that she started changing it while she was pregnant. So I think that it was more of pregnancy changing her face and her not liking it verses her following Hollywood!
Back to the picture that this person posted on instagram, some girl made a comment saying that Kim Kardashian is just trying to be black and that it's clearly not working. And to me I'm like what the fuck are you talking about when I read that comment, that;s not only bullshit but it's clearly ignorance and jealousy. Anybody that has ever watched Keeping Up With The Karsahians know how proud of their culture that they all are as a family. And how is it that Kim is trying to be black when all she's ever dated were black men? her first husband was black, her second husband was mixed and her now fiancee is black.
And the guys that she's dated in between were all black and two of her other sisters date black men also. So clearly it's a Kardashian thing to date black men and did I forget that her daughter is half black?! And if Kim was trying to be black with how she's had her face changed, she would of had her face made fuller and somehow gotten her nose made wider. But clearly she had her nose made ''SMALLER'' and her cheekbones made ''THINNER''. So it's clear that this girl saying that Kim Kardashian is trying to be black is complete BULLSHIT and she's clearly just jealous of Kim Kardashian!
They have always shown how proud they are of their culture but there will always be jealous people in this world. There will always be haters in this world and we all know that that's nothing new for any of the Kardashians. And I would bet that this same girl that made this remark about Kim Kardashian on Instagram sits at home wishing that she looked half as good as Kim K! But FUCK THAT Kim Kardashian is stunning so fuck the haters and what they have to say, Kim you know that you got it going on girl. So keep doing you!

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