Me in the bathroom in between the two services that I went to in the bathroom taking pictures...
the pictures below is of a slice of cake that I had in between the two services that I went to!

me in the bathroom taking selfies after the contemporary service that I went to. And another picture of the mixture service.
And the below and above on the right is of the many hallways, where in between/before services you can get some little desserts/coffee or orange juice.

And the picture above is me with the legendary basketball player Jerry Lucas, who was the speaker for this Sunday service. Who knew that I'd meet a basketball star my first Sunday?..
The picture above is inside the service that's considered to be the more of a mixture between the contemporary and traditional service. And it's also the last service on Sundays.

I had my first Sunday at what I'm now hoping will be my new and only church. It's a Presbyterian church in my city, so that alone is different for me. I've never been to or been a Presbyterian before. So everything about me choosing this church is all new to me. And just from this first Sunday that I went to, there are some things that are weird and different to me but I'm not going to stress about any of that. Because as i said before this is all new to me. So I'm just going to go with the flow of how things are done at this church, listen to God and let him lead me. But this is the church that I want to be mine and this is where I want to go. And I'm very excited about this new journey and excited to see where God is going to be leading me. But most importantly I'm so proud of myself for taking this big step, doing it on my own and doing it for ME!

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