So when she texted me saying that I haven't changed I posted the above picture about it on Instagram of what I said back to her in a text. But I know that more then anything she was probably just mad at my last posting because some of what I said in my last posting applied to her. And as I said in the picture above, that's fine because what I said in my last posting applies to about ninety percent of America, So she'll be OK. But at the end of the day I'm never going to change who I am for ANYBODY. This is me, so a person can either accept me for me or as I said in the picture above they know where the door is. And as I said earlier I can say that she needs to change some things about herself. From ten years ago and just from the two days that we texted before yesterday. But it's NOT my place to tell her to change and I accept people for who they are.
And some of the things she already said to me in the two days that we talked before yesterday did inspire my last posting. And she read my last posting so she knows what those things are. And I know that's why she's honestly mad at what my last postings says. But hey if the shoe fits but I look at it like this. Nothing that she says or does that I don't like bothers me.
Because at the end of the day the things that she says or does that I don't like are all on her NOT me. So I really don't care to tell her or anybody else for that matter that they need to change for me, unless it's a guy that I'm dating.
Because whatever they do is ALL ON THEM NOT ME, as long as I know that the things that I do are right for me that's all that matters to me. So I have no need to make statements like she did, to say you haven't changed at all. Because if a person does or says things that I personally don't agree with then that's on THEM and that'll be their bad or their mistake or make them look bad. It won't affect me or my life whatsoever. And at the end of the day we are all different and that's how it's suppose to be and I wouldn't want anybody to be exactly like me and this world would be a mighty boring world if we were all the same. And again I'm NOT fake so I take people as they are and if I really can't handle them then it's pretty simple, I won't deal with them. But what I won't do is pretend to be or be all in somebody face saying that I'm their friend and then make statements saying that they need to change.
The only way that I would ever make those kinds of statements to them is if it's something that's going to save their lives, like live or death for them. But I would NEVER do that to them if its based simply on their personalities. We all are who we are and that's it, take it or leave it!

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